Terms You Need To Know When Understanding Digital Reality Theory

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Teaching Your Kids The Right Way One parent teacher conference after another, we were disappointed about our son's grades. The teachers were saying that it seemed like he couldn't keep up, and his classmates talked about how fun he was to sit next to in class. I could see trouble on the horizon, so I began focusing more seriously on working with him at home to teach him important principles. It was difficult at first, but after a few months, he started to pick up on things. Now I can honestly say that he is well behaved and happy, and I know that those early efforts paid off. Read on to learn more.

Digital reality theory is based on the idea that existence is understood by life through the process of constructing digital realities. However, to understand what all of this means, it's important to understand several terms.


The first term to understand is "existence." This refers to everything that currently exists. This includes inanimate objects that interact with living things. Existence is considered to be objective. However, it is also analog and cannot be directly understood. 


This is a unique aspect of existence. It consists of discrete objects that are a part of the analog existence. Living things understand existence digitally rather than directly. Anything that life adds to existence is considered to be digital and constitutes reality.


This is the process of taking existence and digitizing it into categories, actions, patterns, and objects. This leads to knowledge being stored digitally. The knowledge is best analyzed through axiomatic set theory.


Living organisms construct realities digitally. The analog reality cannot be understood directly. Instead, only the digital realities that are constructed from it can be understood. Each of these concepts is important to understand to be able to understand digital reality theory. However, to fully understand each of these concepts, you might need guidance. 

Why Humans Deal with Digital Reality

It is simply too inefficient to deal with analog reality. Therefore, people take the analog existence and digitize it. People are also always looking for more effective ways to digitize existence. However, analog-to-digital conversion is never fully complete. Because of different algorithms, it's possible to produce different outputs. As a result, people experience the same existence differently.

Much of our time involves taking the basic building blocks of life found in existence and categorizing them. The six categories used when categorizing society include orthodoxy, intellection, collectivism, legalism, authoritarianism, and communalism. 

Communalism and Authoritarianism

This is the social reality that has to do with issues that a group experiences. It includes the behaviors that affect the overall health of the group. Authoritarianism, on the other hand, has to do with behavior that involves a leader categorizing the individual actions of different members.

Intellection and Orthodoxy

Intellection has to do with the categorization of abstract ideas. These include concepts, such as responsibility, truth, and honesty. Orthodoxy, on the other hand, has to do with internal urges. 

Legalism and Collectivism

Collectivism has to do with social values and goals. Legalism, on the other hand, regulates physical acts. Understanding each of these concepts can help you better understand the world.

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