3 Tips For Potty Training Your Preschooler

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Teaching Your Kids The Right Way One parent teacher conference after another, we were disappointed about our son's grades. The teachers were saying that it seemed like he couldn't keep up, and his classmates talked about how fun he was to sit next to in class. I could see trouble on the horizon, so I began focusing more seriously on working with him at home to teach him important principles. It was difficult at first, but after a few months, he started to pick up on things. Now I can honestly say that he is well behaved and happy, and I know that those early efforts paid off. Read on to learn more.

Every child potty trains at a different age, and boys usually potty train later than girls. As your child hits preschool age, they may need to be potty trained (or mostly potty trained) before you're able to consider different preschool programs. Perhaps you believe your child is ready to potty train, but you just don't know where to start.

Signs that a child is ready to potty train include displaying discomfort with a soiled diaper, waking up dry from a long nap, telling you when they've soiled their diaper, and showing an interest in using the potty. Check out these tips for potty training your preschooler. 

1. Come Up with a Plan

There are a lot of ways to potty train your preschooler, and you'll have to decide which option is right for your family. Some parents decide to hold a potty training boot camp where they stay at home for a few days, and have their child consistently try to use the potty every 30 minutes or so.

If their child uses the potty, they might receive a small reward, like a sticker or small toy. To help the child learn more rapidly when they need to go to the potty, the parent might have their child stay pantless or only wear underwear until they realize the sensation that means they need to go to the restroom.

Other parents might choose to incorporate potty training into their daily routine. For example, they might start by having their child try to use the restroom first thing in the morning and after meals. This technique is less intense and often works better for parents who can't stay at home for a few days, but want their children to start training. 

Regardless of your potty training plan, be consistent. It takes time for your preschooler to learn when they need to use the toilet.

2. Have a Toilet Available That Works for Your Child

Some parents have their child use small child-sized potties, while others prefer to have their kids use the adult-sized toilet with a small insert that makes the seat more comfortable for a child. Regardless of which option you select, make sure that your child is comfortable on the potty. If your child is comfortable, they're more likely to consistently use the toilet.

3. Opt for Easy-to-Remove Clothing

Potty training is the perfect time to break out all your child's pants with elastic waists. Stick with clothing that your child can maneuver with ease. Once they get the hang of using the toilet, you can bring out skirts and pants with buttons and zippers. 

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